City sales tax vote explained



SEPTEMBER 11, 2023



 The regular meeting of the Henryetta Economic Development Authority was held on September 11, 2023 in the Henryetta City Council’s Chamber, 115 South 4th street, Henryetta, Oklahoma. 

The chairperson called the meeting to order and verified the presence of a quorum and that proper publication of the “Notice of Meeting” in accordance with the Oklahoma Open Meeting Act had occurred. 

Attending the meeting were Trustees:  
Bruce Jones 
Jana Cluck
Jim Beymer 
Keith Estes 
Jill Francis
Secretary: Genny Mooney

1. Discuss/act on the minutes of regular meeting September 11, 2023 – Bruce Jones moved to approve. Jim Beymer moved to second. Bruce Jones (yes), Jim Beymer (yes), Jill Francis (yes) - motion carried. 


2. Discuss/Act on HEDA financial report September 2023. Jim Beymer moved to approve. Jill Frances moved to second. Bruce jones (yes), Jim Beymer (yes), Janna Cluck (yes), Jill Francis (yes) - Motion carried 


3. Proposed entering into Executive Session to discuss appointing new trustee. Kannon Bailey introduced himself and handed out his resume to the trustees. Dr. David Warden also spoke, telling the board of his experience. 


4. Discuss/Act to convene into Executive Session. Jim Beymer moved to approve. Bruce Jones moved to second. Bruce jones (yes), Jim Beymer (yes), Jana Cluck (yes), Jill Francis (yes) - Motion carried 

5. Discuss/ Act to return to Open Session. Bruce Jones moved to approve. Jim Beymer moved to Second. Bruce jones (yes), Jim Beymer (yes), Jana Cluck (yes), Jill Francis (yes) - Motion carried 


6. Discuss/ Act on any action taken during Executive Session (item 3). Bruce Jones moved to appoint David Warden as new HEDA trustee. Jill Frances Second. Bruce jones (yes), Jim Beymer (yes), Jana Cluck (yes), Jill Francis (yes) - Motion carried

7. City of Henryetta Project Update- No update City Manager was absent. Janna Cluck spoke about the upcoming City Council meeting where they would review applications for a new city manager.

8. Other Business – Kannon Bailey asked about the status of the parking lot barriers between the lot and the wall of Brown Printing. Keith Estes spoke about barriers being a part of the work being done.,

9. Adjourn. Jim Beymer moved to approve. Bruce Jones moved to second. Bruce Jones (yes), Jim Beymer (yes), Keith Estes (yes), Jill Francis (yes). 






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Chair, Keith Estes Vice Chair, Jill Francis