6:30 p.m. - CIVIC CENTER - 115 SOUTH 4T STREET
Item #1:
Discuss/Act on approval of Consent Agenda:
A. Financial Reports for December 2021.
B. Minutes of meetings held in December 2021
C. Claims for the month of December 2021
D. Budget Amendment 22-3 for FY 2021/2022
Item #2: Discuss/Act on approval of payment to Bank of Oklahoma in the amount of $40,287.00 for 2015 Note Series monthly payment.
Item #3: Discuss/Act on passing a resolution to make application for the 2022 CDBG/REAP grant.
Item #4: Discuss/Act on passing Citizens Participation Plan for the 2022 CDBG/REAP grant.
Item #5: Discuss/Act on authorizing the Mayor to sign all grant related documents
Item #6: Discuss/Act on entering into contract with Eastern Oklahoma Development District to administer the 2022 CDBG/REAP grant, should it be awarded.
Item #7: Discuss/Act on passing Leverage Resolution for the 2022 CDBG/REAP grant
Item #8: Discuss/Act on passing a Fair Housing Resolution, for the City of Henryetta.
Item #9: Discuss/Act on adopting a Residential Anti-Displacement Relocation Assistance Plan.
Item #10: Discuss/Act on recommendation from Oklahoma Municipal Assurance Group to deny tort claim filed by Terri Davenport claim No 210550-1-BD
Item #11: Discuss/Act on approval of monthly pension payments from Oklahoma Municipal Retirement Fund for Curtis H. Henley.
Item #12: Discuss/Act on request by Stacey Blanchett to waive deposit and fees for Civic Center on February 11 or February 18th for Rotary Club elementary dance.
Item #13: Discuss/Act on request by Stacey Blanchett to waive deposit and fees for Civic Center on February 20th and 21st for Annual Chamber Banquet.
Item #14: Discuss/Act on approval of Ordinance No. 1278 an ordinance amending ordinance No. 702 for the purpose of rezoning certain properties described from R-1 Single Family Residential District to R-2 General Residential District located at 2105 West Main Street.
Item #15: Discuss/Act on any New Business.
Item #16: Adjourn.