TUESDAY, MAY 15, 2018
ITEM #1: Discuss/Act on approval of Consent Agenda:
Financial Reports for April, 2018.
Minutes of meeting held in April, 2018.
Claims for the month of April, 2018.
ITEM #2: Discuss/Act on approval of payment to AEP/PSO in the amount of $20,658.14.
ITEM #3: Discuss/Act on approval of payment to Fuelman in the amount of $7,409.50.
ITEM #4: Discuss/Act on approval of payment to American Exchange Bank in the amount of $12,058.79 for lease/purchase payments. (Ladder Truck, GMP Fire Truck, Backhoe and 6 wheel dump truck)
ITEM #5: Discuss/Act on approval of payment to Emergency Medical Services in the amount of $7,328.15.
ITEM #6: Discuss/Act on approval of payment to Henryetta Economic Development Authority in the amount of $8,901.09.
ITEM #7: Discuss/Act on approval of payment to Bank of Oklahoma in the amount of $25,509.82 for 2014 Series Utility System and Sales Tax Revenue Note monthly payment.
ITEM #8: Discuss/Act on approval of payment to Bank of Oklahoma in the amount of $17,619.60 for 2015 Note Series monthly payment.
ITEM #9: Discuss/Act on approval of payment of Invoice No. 025-220415 to Tyler Technologies in the amount of $10,247.64 for maintenance agreement.
ITEM #10: Discuss/Act on approval of payment to Doug Wadley, owner of Shoney’s Restaurant, in the amount of $21,438.23 for first and second quarter sales tax reimbursement. (To be reimbursed by HEDA)
ITEM #11: Discuss/Act to reappoint Jennifer Clason to the Eastern Oklahoma Development District Authority Board.
ITEM #12: Discuss/Act on approval of request of funds in the amount of $500.00 for OK Bounce Unites by Staci Alsover for the Henryetta Cruise Knight.
ITEM #13: Discuss/Act on approval of agreement between the City of Henryetta and Bruce Jones for Website Design.
ITEM #14: Discuss/Act to award bid to Tri County Services, LLC to do the sewer and water repair for the new restroom at Nichols’s Park in the amount of $5,500.00.
ITEM #15: Discuss/Act on award of bid for City lots/parks for 2018 mowing season.
ITEM #16: Discuss/Act on award of bid for weed lots for 2018 mowing season.
ITEM #17: Discuss/Act on City Manager’s Report.
ITEM #18: Discuss/Act on entering into Executive Session under 25 O.S. Section 307 B(2) to discuss negotiations on Henryetta Fraternal Order of Police (Lodge #115) Fiscal Year 2018-2019 Contract and Henryetta Firefighters (IAFF) Local #2788 Fiscal Year 2018-2019 Contract.
ITEM #19: Discuss/Act to reconvene into regular session.
ITEM #20: Discuss/Act on any action to be taken on matters discussed in Executive Session.
ITEM #21: Discuss/Act on approval of Fiscal Year 2018-2019 Collective Bargaining Agreement with the International Association of Firefighters Local #2788 and authorizing the Mayor to execute said agreement.
ITEM #22: Discuss/Act on approval of Fiscal Year 2018-2019 Collective Bargaining Agreement with the Henryetta Fraternal Order of Police (Lodge #115) and authorizing the Mayor to execute said agreement.
ITEM #23: Discuss/Act on New Business.
ITEM #24: Adjourn.