ITEM #1: Discuss/Act on approval of Consent Agenda:
- Financial Reports for March, 2024.
- Minutes of meeting held in March, 2024.
- Claims for the month of March, 2024.
- Budget Amendments #24-2, #24-4, #25-5 and #24-6 for FY 23-24.
ITEM #2:Discuss/Act on approval of payment to Bank of Oklahoma in the amount of $27,317.64 for 2015 Note Series monthly payment.
ITEM #3: Discuss/Act on approval of payment to AEP/PSO in the amount of $21,625.20.
ITEM #4: Discuss/Act on request from Linda Gerster Labor Day Parade Coordinator to waive deposit and rental fees on Civic Center on September 1st and 2nd 2024 for Labor Day BBQ Luncheon.
ITEM #5: Discuss/Act to reappoint Michael Dickey to the Eastern Oklahoma Development District (EODD).
ITEM #6: Discuss/Act on the following actions approved by the Henryetta Economic Development Authority (HEDA) to pay Posey Construction $2,800.00 for the barrier wall at the City of Henryetta Parking Lot.
ITEM #7: Discuss/Act on the following actions approved by Henryetta Economic Development Authority (HEDA) to purchase porta johns for the City of Henryetta up to $15,000.00
ITEM #8: Discuss/Act on the following actions approved by the Henryetta Economic Development Authority (HEDA) during the February 12, 2024 regular meeting: (1) HEDA will reimburse the City of Henryetta for a total of up to $75,000 as a tax incentive for Mr. Bailey’s investment in Henryetta; (2) The City of Henryetta will rebate 2.5% of Mr. Bailey’s liquor store sales tax to Mr. Bailey quarterly not to exceed $75,000.00 over a 5 year period; (3) if the total of the sales tax after 5 years of rebate is less than $75,000.00, no further sales tax will be rebated by the City or HEDA at the new liquor store; (4) the effective date of the sales tax rebate will begin the first day of sales at the new liquor store; (5) if Mr. Bailey transfers ownership of the liquor store within the 5 year period, the agreement to rebate any sales tax will be terminated effective the date of transfer; (6) The City of Henryetta will monitor Mr. Bailey’s liquor store sales tax collected and will invoice HEDA Quarterly for reimbursement to the City; (7) HEDA’s approval of the $75,000.00 incentive reimbursement to the City for the tax rebate is contingent on approval by the Henryetta City Council(the beneficiary) as defined in the HEDA Trust Indenture.
ITEM #9: Discuss/Act on approval of abatement of property located at 513 W Broadway (Hugh Henry Henryetta Lots 7 & 8 BLK 3 And OT Henryetta E 50’ LT 2 BLK 51) owned by Juan Ramirez.
ITEM #10: Discuss/Act on approval of abatement of property located at 202 E Broadway (Original Town Henryetta Lots 11& 12 BLK 39) owned by John Edward King.
ITEM #11: Discuss/Act on approval of abatement of property located at 200 Block of East Broadway (Wallen TR TR Beg 25’ E 704’ N SW COR SW SW Lying N of CNTR Coal Creek or as DESC Book 1015 Page 100) owned by John Edward King.
ITEM #12: Discuss/Act on approval of abatement of property located at 303 N 3rd Street (Original Town Henryetta E 39’ LT 11 & All LT 12 BLK 14) owned by James Mordecai.
ITEM #13: Discuss/Act on approval of abatement of property located at 311 N 3rd Street (Original Town Henryetta N 70’ of Lots 1 & 2 BLK 14) owned by Roy Michael Taylor.
ITEM #14: Discuss/Act on approval of Ordinance No. 1304 An Ordinance Prohibiting Hunting Within The City Limits of Henryetta And Property Owned by the City of Henryetta: Exception, And Declaring An Emergency. (Item tabled March 19, 2024)
ITEM #15: Discuss/Act on declaring an emergency on Ordinance No. 1304.
ITEM #16: Discuss/Act on approval of Ordinance No. 1307 An Ordinance Amending Parking And Storing Junk Vehicles Declared A Nuisance; Exceptions; Fencing, Part 8 – Health And Sanitation – Section 8-803 Of The Code of Ordinances of the City Of Henryetta, Oklahoma; And Declaring An Emergency.
ITEM #17: Discuss/Act on declaring an emergency on Ordinance No. 1307.
ITEM #18: Discuss/Act on approval of Ordinance No. 1308 An Ordinance Amending Definitions, Part 8-Health And Sanitation – Section 8-302 Of The Code Of Ordinances Of the City Of Henryetta, Oklahoma; And Declaring An Emergency.
ITEM #19: Discuss/Act on declaring an emergency on Ordinance No. 1308.
ITEM #20: Discuss/Act on approval to purchase 2024 Chevrolet Silverado 1500, Crew Cab Pickup, Summitt White from Carter Chevrolet in the amount of $49,349.00 for Henryetta Fire Department.
ITEM #21: Discuss/Act on approval of City Manager’s Report.
ITEM #22: Discuss/Act on new business.
ITEM #23: Adjourn.