TUESDAY, MAY 21, 2019
ITEM #1: Discuss/Act on approval of Consent Agenda:
Financial Reports for April, 2019.
Minutes of meetings held in April, 2019.
Claims for the month of April, 2019.
ITEM #2: Discuss/Act on approval of payment to AEP/PSO in the amount of $19,406.75.
ITEM #3: Discuss/Act on approval of payment to Fuelman in the amount of $10,393.61.
ITEM #4: Discuss/Act on approval of payment to American Exchange Bank in the amount of $9,100.79 for lease/purchase payments. (Ladder Truck, GMP Fire Truck)
ITEM #5: Discuss/Act on approval of payment to Emergency Medical Services in the amount of $7,356.44.
ITEM #6: Discuss/Act on approval of payment to Henryetta Economic Development Authority in the amount of $9,635.13.
ITEM #7: Discuss/Act on approval of payment to Bank of Oklahoma in the amount of $27,801.58 for 2014 Series Utility System and Sales Tax Revenue Note monthly payment.
ITEM #8: Discuss/Act on approval of payment to Bank of Oklahoma in the amount of $17,592.57 for 2015 Note Series monthly payment.
ITEM #9: Discuss/Act on approval of payment of Invoice No. 12369 to Crawford & Associates, P.C. in the amount of $5,463.96 for professional services rendered.
ITEM #10: Discuss/Act on approval of payment of Invoice No. 025-256323 to Tyler Technologies in the amount of $10,760.02 for annual maintenance fees.
ITEM #11: Discuss/Act on renewal of Lease Agreement between the City of Henryetta and Pitney Bowes for postage machine.
ITEM #12: Discuss/Act on Henryetta Board of Adjustments recommendation pertaining to a variance for properties located at 609 and 611 E Trudgeon.
ITEM #13: Discuss/Act on Henryetta Board of Adjustments recommendation pertaining to a variance for properties located at 101 and 103 East Jefferson.
ITEM #14: Discuss/Act on recommendation by Planning & Zoning Board to allow medical marijuana dispensaries to operate in C-2 Highway Commercial and Commercial Recreation Districts only and allow medical marijuana growing facilities and medical marijuana processing facilities to operate in I-1 Light Industrial Districts only.
ITEM #15: Discuss/Act to reappoint Jim Beymer to the Henryetta Economic Development Authority (HEDA) to serve a five (5) year term. (July 1, 2019 through June 30, 2024)
ITEM #16: Discuss/Act on approval of Henryetta Economic Development Authority (HEDA) Fiscal Year 2019-2020 Budget.
ITEM #17: Discuss/Act on approval of Contract between The Board of County Commissioners of Okmulgee County, State of Oklahoma (hereinafter referred to as “County), and The City of Henryetta, Oklahoma, a Municipal Corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of Oklahoma (hereinafter referred to as “City”)
ITEM #18: Discuss/Act on proposed Oil and Gas Lease Agreement between the City of Henryetta and Calyx Energy lll, LLC, pertaining to Section 28, Township 11 North, Range 13 East, Okmulgee County, Oklahoma.
ITEM #19: Discuss/Act on approval of request of funds by Staci Alsover in the amount of $500.00 for Henryetta Cruise Knight on June 1, 2019.
ITEM #20: Discuss/Act to award bid for North bathroom at ballfield at Nichols Park.
ITEM #21: Discuss/Act on City Manager’s/Public Works Director Report.
ITEM #22: Discuss/Act on entering into Executive Session under 25 O.S. Section 307(B) 2 to discuss negotiations on Henryetta Firefighters (IAFF) Local #2788 Fiscal Year 2019-2020 Contract.
ITEM #23: Discuss/Act to reconvene into regular session.
ITEM #24: Discuss/Act on any action to be taken on matters discussed in Executive Session.
ITEM #25: Discuss/Act on approval of Fiscal Year 2019-2020 Collective Bargaining Agreement with the Henryetta Firefighters (IAFF) Local #2788 and authorizing the Mayor to execute said agreement.
ITEM #26: Discuss/Act on New Business.
ITEM #27: Adjourn.